...is a spirit inspired mentoring encounter. Designed to encourage, uplift, inspire and increase the value of the young black man that you take to lunch.
It is our desire to keep TTPLC simple but yet powerful. Any man or woman can follow this three step process and forever empact the life and help shape the destiny of the young man you take to lunch
The Three Step Process:
First things first, Your mentee is going to ask you if you have your goals written so fill out the work sheet and print out a certificate for yourself first. Please call me at (205) 919-8349 if you have questions or if you are interested in spearheading a Tied To Purpose rite of passage bandquet in your community.
Tell mentee a day or two in advance that you are going to take them to lunch and that they should think about short-term, intermediate and long-term goals that they would like to accomplish. Mentor should download two copies of the Certificate of value worksheets and take them to the first lunch to be used as ruff drafts. Before lunch ask mentee to share their goals in each category and you write them down on your worksheet. After completing all seven give the blank worksheet and your worksheet to mentee and ask them to copy your info on to their blank worksheet. It is important that their worksheet is in their own hand writing. After both forms are complete, instruct mentee to take the form home and re-evaluate their answers and to make changes if, after giving it more thought, some goals needed to be changed or added, set date for second lunch and ask them to bring their updated worksheet with them. Now have a wonderful lunch.
Bring updated forms to second lunch, mentor should have filled in steps to purpose worksheet, brief statements on how to accomplish the mentees' line item goals. Mentee should bring updated certificate of value with any changes or additions. Before lunch discuss steps to purpose answers and changes on mentees' worksheet (make changes and update both forms). Mentee should take completed worksheet home and tape it on their bedroom wall, Mentor should take his or her completed forms home and input information into the certificate of value form on this website and print a certificate of value. Now have a wonderful lunch.
Mentor should fill in the Certificate of Value form on this website, print a copy of the completed certificate of value to be framed for presentation to mentee at the third lunch along with a new neck tie (Preferably a striped or Gray formal tie) and the completed steps to purpose worksheets. Before lunch present framed certificate & tie and pray for the fulfillment of the mentee's goals and the strength of the bond of the mentor and mentee. You have now fulfilled the requirements of the Tied To Purpose Lunch Club. Please take the relationship to the next level or find another mentee to bless in the same way. God bless you and God bless America.