Stepping Into Destiny Lunch Club... a spirit inspired mentoring encounter. Designed to
encourage, uplift, inspire and increase the value of the young woman that
you take to lunch. The Three Step Process: Tell mentee a day or two in advance to think about their
short, intermediate and long-term goals. Take two copies of the Certificate
of value forms to the first lunch to be used as worksheets. Before lunch
ask mentee their goals in each category and write them down on your worksheet.
After completing all seven give the blank worksheet and your worksheet
to mentee and ask them to copy your info on to the blank worksheet. It
is important that their worksheet is in their own hand writing. After
both forms are complete, instruct mentee to take the form home and re-evaluate
their answers and to make changes if, after giving it more thought, some
goals needed to be changed or added. Now have a wonderful lunch. Bring updated forms to next lunch, mentor should have filled in steps to purpose, brief statements on how to accomplish the mentee goals. Mentee should bring updated certificate of value with any changes or addititions. Discuss steps to purpose answers and change on mentee form (make changes on both forms). Have a wonderful lunch. Mentor should fill in Certificate of Value form on website and print a copy to be framed for presentation at next lunch along with a new pair of black pumps (Preferably 2 inches or less) and completed worksheets. Present certificate and pumps before lunch and pray for the fulfillment of the mentee's goals and the strength of the bond of the mentor and mentee. You have now fulfilled the requirements of the Stepping Into Destiny Lunch Club. Please take that the relationship to the next level or find another mentee to bless. God bless you and God bless America. >>CLICK HERE TO PRINT YOUR CERTIFICATE OF VALUE. |